Journal Papers
Adaptive Data Acquisition for Personalized Recommender Systems with Optimality Guarantees on Short-Form Video Platforms. [pdf]
Second Prize, Revenue Management and Pricing Data-driven Research Challenge, 2021
Management Science, forthcoming
Junyu Cao, Yan Leng. -
Tiered Assortment: Optimization and Online Learning. [pdf]
Management Science, 2023
Junyu Cao, Wei Sun. -
Stall Economy: The Value of Mobility in Retail on Wheels. [pdf]
Operations Research, 2022
Second Place, INFORMS Service Science Section Best Cluster Paper Award, 2022
Junyu Cao, Wei Qi. -
Intertemporal Pricing via Nonparametric Estimation: Integrating Reference Effects and Consumer Heterogeneity. [pdf]
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2022
Finalist in 2020 MSOM Data-Driven Research Challenge
Hansheng Jiang, Junyu Cao, Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen. -
Last-Mile Shared Delivery: A Discrete Sequential Packing Approach. [pdf]
Mathematics of Operations Research, 2021
Finalist in INFORMS IBM Service Science Best Student Paper, 2019
Junyu Cao, Mariana Olvera-Cravioto, Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen. -
Unraveling Why We Sleep: Quantitative Analysis Reveals Abrupt Transition from Neural Reorganization to Repair in Early Growth. [pdf]
Science Advances, 2020
Junyu Cao, Alexander B. Herman, Geoffrey B. West, Gina Poe, Van M. Savage. -
Connectivity of a General Class of Inhomogeneous Random Digraphs. [pdf]
Random Structures & Algorithms, 2020
Junyu Cao, Mariana Olvera-Cravioto. -
Connected Population Synthesis for Transportation Simulation. [pdf]
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2019
Junyu Cao*, Danqing Zhang*, Sid Feygin, Dounan Tang, Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen, Alexei Pozdnoukhov.
(* stands for equal contribution) -
Some Discussions About The Best Approximate Element For A Closed Set In Euclidean Space.
Studies In College Mathematics, 2015, 18(1)
Tong Xin, Junyu Cao. -
An Alternative Proof of Cauchy Criterion.
Studies In College Mathematics, 2012,15(5)
Junyu Cao.
Conference Papers (Machine Learning)
Cascading Bandits: Optimizing Recommendation Frequency in Delayed Feedback Environments. [pdf]
Accepted, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Neurips) 2023
Dairui Wang, Junyu Cao, Yan Zhang, Wei Qi. -
Fatigue-aware Bandits for Dependent Click Models. [pdf]
Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2020
Junyu Cao, Wei Sun, Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen, Markus Ettl. -
Dynamic Learning with Frequent New Product Launches: A Sequential Multinomial Logit Bandit Problem. [pdf]
Thirty-Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2019
Junyu Cao, Wei Sun. -
Dynamic Learning of Sequential Choice Bandit Problem under Marketing Fatigue. [pdf]
Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2019
Junyu Cao, Wei Sun. -
Social Discrete Choice Models. [pdf]
Danqing Zhang, Kimon Fountoulakis, Junyu Cao, Michael Mahoney, Alexei Pozdnoukhov.
Submitted and Working papers
A Probabilistic Approach for Alignment with Human Comparisons. [pdf]
Junyu Cao, Mohsen Bayati. -
“Uber” Your Cooking: The Sharing-Economy Operations of a Ghost-Kitchen Platform. [pdf]
Junyu Cao, Feihong Hu, Wei Qi. -
Retail on Autonomous Wheels: A Time-Sensitive Traveling Salesman Problem. [pdf]
Finalist in Undergraduate Operations Research Prize, awarded to Zhuolun Dong
Zhuolun Dong, Junyu Cao, Wei Qi. -
Coordinate Package Delivery and On-Demand Rides: A Zoning Policy and Analysis. [pdf]
Junyu Cao, Sheng Liu. -
Safe Reinforcement Learning with Contextual Information: Theory and Applications. [pdf]
Second Place, 2024 POMS College of Healthcare OM Best Paper Competition
Selected for MSOM Healthcare SIG Presentation 2024
Junyu Cao, Esmaeil Keyvanshokooh, Tian Liu. -
Value of One Data Point: Active Label Acquisition in Assortment Optimization. [pdf]
Mo Liu, Junyu Cao, Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen. -
Collaborative Learning and Decision-Making on Pricing and Recommendation: A Simple Framework for Planning. [pdf]
Junyu Cao. -
Speed Up the Cold-Start Learning in Two-Sided Bandits with Many Arms. [pdf]
Selected for MSOM Service Management SIG Presentation 2023
Mohsen Bayati, Junyu Cao, Wanning Chen. -
Pricing under the Generalized Markov Chain Choice Model: Learning through Large-scale Click Behaviors. [pdf]
Finalist, 2023 INFORMS Service Science Student Competition, awarded to Mo Liu
2023 YinzOR Fan Favoriate prize
Mo Liu, Junyu Cao, Zuo-jun (Max) Shen. -
Online Facility Location: Running Stores on Wheels with Spatial Demand Learning. [pdf]
Junyu Cao, Wei Qi, Yan Zhang. -
Network-Enabled Sequential Data Acquisition. [pdf]
Junyu Cao, Yan Leng. -
Contextual Decision-making under Parametric Uncertainty and Data-driven Optimistic Optimization. [pdf]
Junyu Cao, Rui Gao. -
Urban Courier: Operational Innovation and Data-driven Coverage-and-Pricing. [pdf]
Mengxin Wang, Meng Qi, Junyu Cao, Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen. -
Doubly Adaptive Cascading Bandits with User Abandonment. [pdf]
(Previously: Sequential Choice Bandits: Learning with Marketing Fatigue)
Katta Murty Best Paper Prize
Junyu Cao, Wei Sun, Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen.
- System and method for merchandise planning with short life cycle products
Status: submitted to U.S. Patent Office - System and method for automated discovery of personalized offers
Status: submitted to U.S. Patent Office
Selected Talks
- SIAM, 2023.6
- POMS, 2023.5
- Amazon, 2022.6
- INFORMS Annual Conference, 2021.10
- YINZ OR, 2021.8
- Amazon SSAI Research, 2021.7
- Revenue Management and Pricing Conference, 2021.6
- Department of Mathematics, University of California San Diego, 2021.6
- INFORMS Annual Conference, 2019.10
- IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 2019.8
- Applied Probability Society Conference (APS), 2019.7
- International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2019.6
- POMS Annual Conference, 2019.5
- IBM Research - Almaden, 2019.5
- AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2019.1
- INFORMS Annual Conference, 2018.10
- IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 2018.8