Student Collaborators

  • Feihong Hu (Ph.D., UT Austin)
  • Zhuolun Dong (Ph.D., UT Austin)


Department of IROM, McCombs School of Business, UT Austin

  • DS 235 Introduction to Decision Science, 2024 Spring
  • DS 235 Introduction to Decision Science, 2022 Spring
  • STA 371G Statistics and Modeling, 2020 Fall

Graduate Student Instructor

Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, UC Berkeley

  • IEOR 263A Applied Stochastic Processes, 2018 Fall
  • IEOR 173 Introduction to Stochastic Processes, 2018 Spring
  • IEOR 263A Applied Stochastic Processes, 2017 Fall
  • IEOR 172 Probability and Risk Analysis for Engineers, 2016 Fall

Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley

  • UGBA 103 Introduction to Finance, 2016 Summer
  • UGBA 131 Corporate Finance and Financial Statement Analysis, 2016 Summer

Working Experience

  • Graduate research intern at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 2019 Summer
  • Graduate research intern at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 2018 Summer